Announcing the Vitality Code LIVE! 7 Minute Interviews with Natural Health Experts

It seems today that no one has time.  Time to take care of themselves. Time to learn about the simple tenets of health and how to take care of their bodies and their lives.

To me the owner’s manual is quite simple once you learn the foundations.  I believe it’s time to shift the focus from declining health and disease to really focus on what it takes to create wellness.  The basics of nutrition, exercise, stress reduction, and connectedness to self and with Oneness bring about a Wholeness and a true sense of happiness and fulfillment we were all created to enjoy.

So how to share these simple truths with a busy crowd?

That’s why I created The Vitality Code LIVE!  7-Minute Interviews with Top Natural Health Experts, done weekly.  And they’ll be posted here so you can access them in your own time.

You’ll find pearls of wisdom you can implement right away to consciously create a life full of natural energy and vitality.  But please let’s not just leave this as a monologue… the dialogue begins when you participate by sharing your thoughts, questions and your health concerns.  Let’s do this together!

You can tune in and find the upcoming episodes on  The Vitality Code Facebook page

First up, the good doctor who got me started on the path to share prevention and a holistic path with others, Dr. Bill Bergman.



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