

The 7 Essentials to Look For in Your Protein Powder

One of the best ways to break the addiction to carbs and sugars while turning your calorie-burning mechanism back on is to increase your consumption of protein. Proteins are involved in just about every bodily function from digestion to controlling blood sugar levels to healing wounds and fighting off bacteria. If you aren’t getting enough proteins in your body on

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Why I am Fat

This was a super poignant post I saw today from business coaching super-star, Barbara Evans.  She is a multi-million dollar earner, so a lady who clearly knows how to work toward and achieve really big goals.  And up until now she has become a really big lady. And then she made the decision. She was going to change all that. 

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How to Eliminate Caffeine in Just 7 Days

Caffeine is a powerful stimulant that can disrupt your sleep, exhausts your adrenal glands and creates an acidic state in the body which makes it more prone to sickness. What I noticed for myself, when I drink coffee in the morning, it sets me up to be hungry earlier and usually for carbs and sweets. If you’ve been relying on

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How do I have more energy than most?

It’s no secret. Anyone who knows me knows I have more energy than most, and my friends often say I am one of the most positive people they know. So what is my secret? There is one thing I know… that we are as much a part of nature as any thing else. A flower. A tree. An owl. There

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11 Signs You Need to Detox Your Body

Here’s a frightening statistic: The average American consumes about 14 pounds of chemicals a year in the form of food additives such as artificial food coloring, flavorings, emulsifiers, humectants, preservatives and chemical fertilizers and pesticides in our air, water, and food supplies. These toxins include the hormones and antibiotics that pollute our meat and dairy as well as mercury and

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The “21 Days to Self-Love” Project: Day 5 Alabama

This morning as I put myself as the priority and start my day with this contemplation on self-love, there’s an old song by one of my favorite country bands Alabama and the lyrics seem to be ringing true for me today: I’m in a hurry to get things done Oh I rush and rush until life’s no fun All I

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The “21 Days to Self-Love” Project: Day 4 – Dear Me

Things got hectic yesterday. In anticipation of my brother-in-law visiting from New Hampshire, I worked out, walked the dog and then got an early start to my day without doing my writing. I thought I’d jot something down later. Well, later never came. So here I am the morning after, feeling guilty especially since I am leading this circle, that

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The “21 Days to Self-Love” Project: Day 3 — The Importance of Self-Love

Really great realization this morning. If the Law of Attraction says that like attracts like… just think of this. Self-love, if we make a daily practice of infusing every cell in our body with this energy, it is the highest vibration of all energies.  We begin vibrating at higher and higher levels.  What we put out energetically to the Universe

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The “21 Days to Self-Love” Project: Day 2. We are Not our Monster Faces

I realize for this year’s self-love project I have a very real intention, to use self-love as the liberator to become more self actualized in my business at a level I never have attained before. Michelangelo, when asked how he created his magnificent sculptures like the incomparable David, said that he would chip away all the things that weren’t his

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The “21 Days to Self-Love” Project 2015: Day 1

I feel I start with two strikes against me. As a Capricorn it’s in my DNA to be in control, on stable ground, and building for my future. In this society too, we have been taught to be strong and independent, capable of “figuring out” any problem that lie ahead and get to the “right” answer. And yet my knowing

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