Access Consciousness

Did you know: science is now showing that the way we think and feel may have even more influence on how our health is showing up than even the physical aspects of eating and moving.

So how to shift years of pent up and unprocessed emotions and judgment?  What would it take to have more ease and joy in your body and in your life… right away?

Introducing Access Consciousness :

A life-changing set of tools, techniques and processes designed to empower you to create the life you truly desire and deserve. Be more conscious in everyday life and eliminate the judgment and barriers you’ve put up to receiving. Get ready!  These tools work FAST… really FaSt!

We can change anything in your life that’s now showing up the way you would like.


Yes, anything!

Would you like better health?  Slimmer body? Relief from aches and pains?

How about greater money flow?  More enjoyment at the workplace?  A bigger, better business?

Or are you thinking you’d love to have better relationships?  Get along better with family? Better sex and more of it?

Or maybe you’re just looking for a break from how friggin’ hectic life is — the monkey mind that just won’t turn off!

How many of those would you like a bit more of?   And what else would you like to receive?

All of life comes to me with Ease, Joy and Glory.

That’s the manta for Access and what I deliver with each and every session. It’s dynamic. It’s easy. It’s fast.  And best of all, I’ll send you home with some modern day tools you can take home and work with yourself to further invite that sense of ease and joy and greater possibility into your life.

Access Bars?

Access Bars is the fastest thing I’ve ever seen to effectively shift negative beliefs.  It is a light therapy touch to the “Bars” in the head, the ones that are storing electromagnetic charges for all negative thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions and beliefs you’ve had that are holding you back in life. By dissolving the charge, you open once again to Infinite Possibility in your life!

You’ll finish the session feeling like you’ve had a relaxing massage, yet we’ve really just cleared the way for more ease, joy and glory to come into your life!  How does it get any better than that?

Why is it called “The Bars”?

The term “Bars” refers to the 32 Bars of energy that run through and around our head. They store the electromagnetic component of all the crazy thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions, beliefs we’ve ever bought into that are keeping us limited .

With a light, nurturing touch we’ll activate the bars that pertain to different aspects of our lives such as money, control, creativity, healing, aging… even sex… just to name a few.

It’s like hitting the contol-alt-delete buttons on your computer and dumping all the dump files we’ve been storing in our brains that just don’t want to use any more.

What you’ll notice is an immediate sense of ease and calm.  We’ve cleared the way for more space and now it’s time to invite something new to come in.  (sign up for the 7-Days of Greater Possibilities for questions that help you to create something totally different in your life with ease.)

Having your Bars run is all about opening us up to RECEIVE.

How much more of YOU are you willing to receive in your life now?

Enjoy an Access Bars Session with Kathy
60 – 75 Minute Session – $75.00   |    5-Pack Bars or Body Process Sessions — $295.00 (Save $50)

These can be enjoyed in person or over the phone.

Learn Access Bars with Kathy

One of my favorite aspects of Access is that once you’ve taken the full-day class you can participate in trades that happen all around the city or trade with your friends.  It’s like getting free body work once a week + your whole life will change!

And, what an enjoyable class!  It’s a full day – from 9 – 6 pm – during which you’ll give and receive BARS twice!

You’ll hear from founder Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer  who demonstrate the technique and we’ll run a few clearings throughout the day to clear any limiting thoughts, beliefs or conclusions that may come up.

I’ll never forget the first time I gave Bars in the class. Even after fumbling around looking for the points on the head, my partner got off the table completely dazed.  You can do this too!

In fact, it’s so easy even kids can learn the Bars  (plus, kids under 16 are FREE!)

You’ll receive a comprehensive manual and the head chart – and that’s all you’ll need to begin running Access Bars on your own for other people. If you commit to having your bars run just once a week for 10 weeks, your life will completely open!

All for just a $300 investment in you!  ($150 for repeaters)

Upcoming Classes:  Saturday, February 13

Interested in becoming a Bars Facilitator?

You’re almost there!  Just take the class two more times with two different facilitators and that’s all that is required for you to begin teaching classes of your own. The class is just $150 when you repeat it. How does it get any easier than that?

Learn more about Access Consciousness at…