Free Vitality Webinar
You’re about to embark on a unique day of self-exploration, specifically designed to free up those unexpressed parts of your self that create life balance, energy and high-level health and vitality.
All too often, in our busy lives, we judge our level of wellness by how our physical body is showing up, which is merely a reflection of what is going on below the surface of our health.
This intensive one-day workshop is a fun and highly interactive exploration into the many ways we can NOURISH our health as a WHOLE-PERSON — with energy inputs on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions.
Discover your passionate purpose, enhance your creativity, and create a joyful, vibrantly healthy life!
It’s truly a new paradigm for wellness and from this expanded perspective and through the experiential exercises, you and your body will craft a personalized plan to carry you forward in a way that you are inspired to do. (No motivation required!)
I believe sustainable change has to be FUN!
As part of this MasterClass you’ll receive a full year subscription to the Wellness Inventory, a rich body of work rooted in twelve dimensions of our being, to support you in your personal growth for months to come.
Wellness is a continually changing and evolving journey, not a destination. You’ll have three steps to create a roadmap for change that becomes part of your on-going lifestyle.
Twelve dimensions form the basis of the Wellness Inventory program. This is also referred to the Wellness Energy System, the core life processes that interact with one another and shape our life experience and well-being.
Self Responsibility and Love Are you your own worst critic? It’s common to judge ourselves, well… ten thousand times a day, undermining our own authority and disempowering ourselves. The exploration of twin dimensions of self responsibility and love lead to:
The transformation you’ll see: Move from victim to victor over the circumstances in your life.
appreciate yourself as a growing, evolving human
being, and allow yourself to move, with love and compassion, toward a happier life and more positive state of
Breathing is a primary energy input and plays a key role in promoting relaxation, centering the mind, calming emotions and increasing vitality.
Sensing is also an energy input, and enables us to effectively navigate our environment through the experience of light, heat, touch, sound, odor, taste and movement.
Eating fresh, whole foods in moderation is a primary means of nourishing ourselves and providing energy to support optimal living.
Moving is a basic expression of our life energy. Maintaining a balance of movement and rest is essential to our health and wellbeing.
Feeling and expressing emotions like fear, sadness, anger and joy serves to motivate both thought and action and acts as an internal guidance system.
Thinking can be our best friend or greatest enemy. Being mindful of our thinking enables us to make positive choices for personal wellbeing.
Working and Playing, in balance, supports our personal health and wellbeing and gives us the energy to live optimally and perform at a high level.
Communicating allows us to share our internal reality of thoughts and feelings with others, allowing us to convey our wants and needs.
Intimacy is a major component in our health and happiness. The foundation of intimacy is trust, whether it’s a friend, relative or love interest.
Finding Meaning involves asking ourselves basic questions, such as Who am I? and Why am I here? Exploring these questions encourages a balanced and fulfilling life.
Transcending is the experience of “being in the flow,” of being fully awake and engaged in the present moment, connecting us to a deeper reality.