What would your life look like if you could set aside all those areas of struggle, trying to get it “right”, taking care of everyone else (but you), self-criticism and self-doubt? It’s time for women to answer the calling to step into our Divine Feminine Power. In this talk, I walk you through some of the elemental shifts that ultimately free us to align with our true nature and experience greater levels of self-confidence, more ease and flow in your life, permission to prioritize your own desires and cravings, to love openly and finally live life on your own terms. The shift can happen at the speed of awareness. Tune in and find out!
Kathy is a transformational life coach and creator of The Vitality Code. Her work is consistently called “powerful work” as she leads women to master their energy and a way of BE-ing that activates their dream life now. Through individual coaching and group programs like her signature program “La Femme Salon: 10 Weeks to Find Your Freedom, Fire & Fulfillment” she offers an innovative mind-body & soulful approach, releasing emotional blocks and limited thinking that often holds us back from living limitlessly.
One of her greatest joys is to empower women to create beyond what they ever thought possible, to experience more joy, ease, love, vitality, connection, fulfillment and abundance in every regard in life. Kathy embodies vitality and living agelessly, with an active Colorado lifestyle biking, hiking, camping, skiing and loving on her amazing wonder-dog Kiefer.
To learn more about Kathy & La Femme Salon, >> go here.
I am offering a FREE 20 minute energy healing session. Schedule here >> https://thevitalitycode.com/schedule-now/
This is a true conversation from the heart with Cynthia James inviting women to commit to yourself. Commit to the dream that wants to be realized as you. Commit to moving forward even when you are unclear and frightened. Commit because you have a message that no one else can deliver in the way that you can.
We covered a lot of territory on this talk, including:
Join us for this super special message from Lee Mitchell who shares a hopeful message about the passageway of Covid, ushering us to a mighty transition in 2021. Lee is a talented spiritual intuitive who teaches astrology, does past life regression therapy, reads tarot and a host of other things.
* The love in our hearts is bursting to come through. (We’re just experiencing uncomfortable birthing contractions right now)
* Why now is the perfect time and why our souls chose this time incarnate on Earth and this historic moment
* How we are evolving into 5D and how to BE in order to transition more smoothly into it
* To embrace that our hearts have been broken open to become who our souls truly want us to be on this earth, humans that love all of us. We are all one and the New Earth is being BORN!
Lee Mitchell is a Certified Past Life Regression Therapist. Certified in Hypnotherapy since 2008, Lee has facilitated hundreds of individuals in past life regression and between life regression therapy. From the Dr. Michael Newton training, Lee has taken her sessions to depths that include meeting guides as well as seeing past lives. Lee has written three books: “The Soul’s Journey”, “The Soul’s Divine River of Life”, and “Discovering Your Soul’s Path.” All can be found on Amazon as well as on her website, crystalsoulpath.com. Lee is also a psychic intuitive and has been performing psychic readings in Tarot or Rune Stones for over 23 years. She is a continuing reader at Celebrations in Colorado Springs. Lee also teaches Astrology from the basics on up to understanding your natal chart. She teaches in her home in Highlands Ranch and in Metaphysical stores in Denver and Colorado Springs.
Lee performs her individual past life sessions in Denver, Colorado Springs, Santa Fe, and Dallas. To learn more about her work, go to [email protected]
Do you wonder if you are really living your purpose? Do you know there is more for you to do, to give and be? Come discover how to live from higher purpose so you can bring your unique gift to our world. Felicia will teach you:
The blueprint for discovering and deciding on your purpose.
Simple thinking strategies that will dissolve fear, doubt and worry.
How to transform resistance to your good so you can bring your gift as you create a life you love!
Felicia Searcy’s mastery is helping people create a life they love. Her purpose is her passion: to empower you to discover and express your best self as you create the life that you love. She is an award-winning transformational coach, international speaker, author, and minister who has helped thousands create a path for living their dream life.
For over 20 years, Felicia has worked with people from all walks of life who are seeking the spiritual side of success. As a highly sought-after international speaker, she has shared the stage with powerhouse leaders like International Speaker, Mary Morrissey; Founder and CEO of eWomenNetwork, Sandra Yancey; and international motivational speaker, Les Brown.
Felicia’s proven “dream activation code” helps folks just like you, accelerate your results as you create a richer, more fulfilling life.
Felicia has a powerful ebook she is offering to our group for free — “Living Your Best Life: Letting Go of Self-Doubt, Fear and Other’s Expectations to Live the Life You’ve Always Dreamed”
To get it free, just click here >>
[email protected] www.feliciasearcy.com
With pandemics and politics and raging fires, you may find yourself overcome with feelings of anxiety, fear and despair. Would you like to learn from a world-renowned EFT Expert how to break this cycle of non-stop stress? I am so excited to have Julie Schiffman in the house to share Emotional Freedom Technique. I have so much respect for Julie. She was Dr. Mercola’s in-house EFT practitioner working with his clients to move them beyond the physical and emotional stuck points, and her YouTube channel has helped millions to release everything from cravings and stress to depression and physical pain. Today she shares a simple and oh so powerful round of tapping to release stress and give you back the choice to feel more joyful and abundant today!
Julie Schiffman, MSW, is an internationally recognized Expert EFT Practitioner. For more than 20 years, she has counseled thousands of clients, helping them break through physical and emotional barriers. Her life-changing YouTube videos have been viewed millions of times. Julie is trained in various healing modalities but is best known for her expertise in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT/Tapping) to help others heal improve their lives from the inside out. In her private practice, Julie uses meridian tapping to address physical and emotional challenges with her clients all over the globe. She is certified in Emotion Code and is a Body Code practitioner as well. She was formerly the chief EFT practitioner for Dr. Mercola’s Center for Natural Health for over 15 years.
Julie Schiffman, MSW
Expert EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Practitioner
Certified Emotion Code Practitioner/Body Code Practitioner
email: [email protected]
Website: www.julieschiffman.com
View tapping demonstration: https://youtu.be/IWu3rSEddZI
JULIE’S OFFER: Julie’s YouTube channel has millions of views with demonstrations on healing everything from physical pain, to binge eating, and emotional issues like stress… and even resistance to wearing masks. Check it out here >> https://www.youtube.com/user/Julieschiffman
Her free Ebook: “Tap Into Life” is available free on her website at: www.julieschiffman.com
Do you take on other people’s stuff? Feeling worse after interacting with them (even if they feel better)?
> Do you ever feel that your life and choices aren’t your own?
> Have a hard time being in large crowds?
You are probably an empath, constantly aware of what’s going on for others, sometimes even more than what is true for you. Being so connected to others wants, needs and emotions can often make you susceptible to people pleasing, leaving you depleted and dissatisfied with your life.
What if you can change that? Join the dynamic Kathy + Kathy conversation to find out how!
Michele Joy is a Law of Attraction expert and facilitator and in this delightful conversation she gives us an inspiring reminder that your life is magical and by working less and believing MORE, you will be lead to ultimate success.
If you’ve been finding yourself setting high goals or expectations and then falling short… if you’ve been working too hard, too stressed and finding yourself barely edging ahead… She tells us that the problem is that you may be doing TOO MUCH! In fact, if you let go and had more fun and followed your JOY, you would achieve FAR more than you can ever imagine! Tune into this conversation if you are ready to stop the rat race and instead get into the FLOW of Universal energy where ANYTHING can happen!
Michele Joy is an internationally recognized Law of Attraction coach, Podcaster, author, speaker and blogger. Her popular podcast, “Law of Attraction in Action” is being heard in over 120 countries and is helping hundreds of thousands of people with her bi-weekly inspirational talks. Her video blogs, “365 Days of Joy” and “365 Days of Miracle Moments” offer daily inspiration and her life changing book, “Thrive and Shine! How to Find Happiness When Life Falls Apart” is helping people to find hope again when they thought there was none. Her years as a Registered Nurse, specifically working with the dying, has also given her a mountain of compassion for people’s lives. Her greatest mission is to help people live their lives fully and never die with regret. She lives in Portland, Oregon with her two boys and her soulmate Paul.
Michele is offering an amazing deal! She is giving us her “30-Day Manifesting Boot Camp” online course for just $99 (it is normally $179).
and you can find her book, “Thrive and Shine! How to Find Happiness When Life Falls Apart” on Amazon (www.amazon.com/author/michelejoy
Do you have a calling to reach more people with your gifts, but fall short when it comes to the selling part of the conversation? I called in a special guest who is uniquely qualified to speak about selling from the heart – Ann Hession because she is one of us, a intuitive healer AND a highly successful sales person. Ann has personally sold millions of dollars of products and services, and is the main salesperson for my favorite modality, The Emotion Code. Today, she invites us to step beyond being the best kept secret and discover how “selling” can feel as aligned and powerful as the good healing and coaching work you do in the world!
Ann Hession is a heart-centered sales expert, who helps solopreneurs, coaches, and healers who have amazing gifts for the world but are “allergic” to sales and selling. As an intuitive coach and energy healer with over 30 years experience in transformational healing, and a sales expert who’s personally sold millions of dollars of products and services, she’s uniquely qualified to help heart-based business owners transform their relationship to sales, so they can confidently and easily grow their business without ever feeling fake, pushy, or salesy!
Ann can be found reveling in her flower garden in the summer, reading a good mystery in the hot tub in the winter, or traveling somewhere beautiful to continue her personal and professional growth, because she learned from her mom that learning and experiencing something new every day keeps your mind and heart young, vibrant, and alive to possibility!
Ann is offering us a FREE gift – Sales Conversation Secrets — 5 steps to turn “Tell me more” into “I’m In!”
Every day you make choices, and those choices shape your life. If you’re like most people, you probably choose the “safe” route more often than not. And that’s fine…safety is a valid choice, and something to be sought, for sure. The only trouble is, the life that you want (which is probably a whole lot closer than you may think) demands that from time to time you have to take a risk. Some big, some small, but all kinda SCARY. Scary because every risk carries the possibility of loss and failure. But every risk also carries the probability of great success and rich reward. So what if you could tip the scales in the favor of success and reward, away from loss and failure? What if you could instantly summon the courage needed to take those pivotal next steps? What if you could live the kind of exciting, fearless life you’ve only dreamed of? Well…GOOD NEWS. YOU CAN. You see, because risk is a normal part of life, other successful risk takers have developed powerful, proven, life-changing strategies for eliminating our fear of taking chances, and we’re going to learn how together!
Mary’s clients call her coaching “the space between thought and action”. She acts as a thought partner to small business owners who are looking for strategy, resources, implementation steps, accountability and support. Giving you space to get those ideas out of your head and into action so you can increase your bottom line, while creating a business and life you love is what she is passionate about.
Make sure to check out Mary’s book, “Vitamin C3 for Business: 52 Ideas to Connect, Contribute and Celebrate your way to Success”. Book is on Amazon.
MARY’S OFFER: Free 30 minute FOCUS Session! Name an area where you feel stuck in your business and we can focus on it for 30 minutes to find a solution or way forward. You can book it on my website: www.successmangified.com or click this link https://calendly.com/successmagnified/30minfocus I also have my free FAB Friday emails offering some Fun Action Business tips each week. Sign up on my website.
Mary Gaul 720-427-5778
[email protected]
Tina Torres is the best-selling author of “The Gratitude Journal”, a morning TV show host and top income producer for years in her companies. As the “Gratitude Specialist” she now focuses her golden touch on working with coaches, authors and healers to show them how implementing gratitude into our daily life can change our businesses. She will be sharing with us today some nuggets from her proven system “Connection To Clients Blueprint” for building relationships that matter — leading to more clients, increased revenue, and raving fans.
Tina Torres is a Client Retention Expert. She’s been recognized as a top performing sales associate, awarded #1 in her region, and a top income producer, using her proven system for building strong customer relationships. Tina is the best selling author of The Gratitude Journal. She is the founder of the Connection to Client Blueprint – a proven follow up method to enhance relationships with clients and potential customers. Her mission is to show the world how implementing gratitude into your daily life can change your business.
Tina is a morning TV show host, best selling author, and global speaker. She lives in Charlotte, NC where she is living an attitude of gratitude and showing the world how to build relationships that matter.
Contact Tina at [email protected]
What would it be like to be magnetic to money? Join us for this enlightening talk with NLP master practitioner Leslie Gunterson as she explains why this isn’t just a figure of speech to be a “money magnet”. Leslie will walk us through how to change our attraction to abundance in all areas of our lives — and how to find the beliefs, attitudes, and emotions that block you from attracting the money you want. You’ll leave with the steps to take to quickly break through them, creating a relationship with the energy of money that attracts it to you!
Chaos seems to have been the hallmark of 2020. It seeped into every aspect of our lives – from relationships to parenting to our livelihoods and in our own mindset. If you’re ready to move beyond the feelings of brain fog, lost, off-center and unable to focus then join us for this conversation with Suzanne Castle who shares her best tips
It’s no coincidence that Suzanne remembers almost every line of Schoolhouse Rock. As a deeply creative spirit with sparkle in her soul, she recognized early on the importance of art to capture our attention – how a small twist on an old idea can inspire us to consider government, grammar, or gravity through the memorable lens of rhythm, melody, and rhyme. This joy-filled ability to recreate the world and allow it to glimmer anew – the “sparkle factor” – is a necessary and too often neglected piece of our humanity and thriving. Her desire is to call to life the creative spirit in myself and others, to invigorate and honor leaders and creatives as they lend their essential vision to the way we see the world. A former professional ballerina and actress, Suzanne now spends joy-filled time fostering possibilities for others, through one-on-one coaching, through group retreats and events, speaking engagements, well-crafted stories, art projects, and imaginative thinking. She hopes to connect the constellations of her own winding story to draw her clients closer to the creative spirit shining within them, to help us outline its purpose and direction, to provide them rest and inspiration as we trace out the stories they’re hoping to tell.
Get Suzanne’s popular “Contain the Chaos” Workbook, a $297 value bur for listeners of LIMITLESS: WOMEN RISING… no charge!
You will get…
Dreams are the springboard for goals. Only after we define our dreams can we set up our goals. Dream-setting is about taking a stand, deciding what you want to do with your life and creating a better version of You. Value Yourself enough to go after your dreams!
Beata Seweryn-Reid is an in-demand Change and Transition Coach, International Speaker and Change Maker.
Awarded as a “Woman of Excellence 2019” by the Women’s Economic Forum in India, Beata has been a featured guest on a variety of TV, podcasts, summits, and workshops in the genre of self-improvement and well-being. She is the founder of Beata Life Coaching that is a unique platform of coaching to success through journaling. Beata also hosts a weekly live show, “Meaningful Conversations with Beata” where she interviews both leaders and those who have gone through significant transitions in order to share these inspiring stories with the world and to encourage others to think independently and take action.
Emigrating from Poland in 2011, Beata struggled with accepting her accent while adjusting to a new culture and trying so hard to blend into new surroundings. During these challenging times she realized that more than anything else, our thinking has the ability to either get in our way or to propel us to great success, whether personally or professionally. Today, Beata enjoys helping high achievers and entrepreneurs conquer significant changes in their own lives and ultimately seeing them break through their limiting thoughts, improve their leadership mindset, and achieve the life they desire.
10 Steps Guide To Better Journaling -Free PDF on her website. >> https://www.facebook.com/beata.seweryn.12
Do you ever have the sense that while it appears everything around the world is falling apart that there just might be some underlying sense of divine perfection in all of this? Do you have a desire to make a difference and yet feel overwhelmed with all the change that needs to be done and what it is that one person can do to make a difference?
Join us for a cosmic conversation with Jan Finley — an channel, healer and visionary to what lies ahead for us as we make our way for a “New World”, ascending from this 3D dimension of time + space and into a world of 5D possibility. You are the change the world requires and Jan will share her wisdom on how you BE*come it, your limitless self.
There is much more that unites us than separates us. In order to establish connection with others, begin by listening to our bodies, lowering our barriers and going beyond the facade that separates us. This opens the door for communicating with everyone and everything around us, including the earth, with ease.
Kass shows us, in an interactive way, how to engage the universe and create true magic in our lives.
How much fun can you have expanding the outside edges of you?
Join us for this joyful conversation!
In these disrupted times that are so full of chaos and uncertainty we wonder what we can count on.
There is really only one place where you can truly anchor yourself in, and know that this aspect of your life never needs to change: anchor your identity as LOVE.
Not codependent attachment, not Hallmark sentimentality, not infatuation, but unconditional LOVE, the source point of all creation. The eternal reality that underlies all form.
Today we will explore Living As LOVE in three ways:
1. LOVE as Identity
2. LOVE as Focus
3. LOVE as Empowering Questions
Kathy Basel
Kathy is a transformational life coach and creator of The Vitality Code. Her work is consistently called “powerful work” as she leads women to master their energy and a way of BE-ing that activates their dream life now. Through individual coaching and group programs like her signature program “La Femme Salon: 10 Weeks to Find Your Freedom, Fire & Fulfillment” she offers an innovative mind-body & soulful approach, releasing emotional blocks and limited thinking that often holds us back from living limitlessly.
One of her greatest joys is to empower women to create beyond what they ever thought possible, to experience more joy, ease, love, vitality, connection, fulfillment and abundance in every regard in life. Kathy embodies vitality and living agelessly, with an active Colorado lifestyle biking, hiking, camping, skiing and loving on her amazing wonder-dog Kiefer.
To learn more about Kathy & La Femme Salon, >> go here.