Day 1: Monday, April 27.
I’ve always played financially safe. It was my dad‘s well-intended advice to me as a kid. “Go be an accountant because the world always needs accountants.”
Well, for years now I’ve been relying on my old business of meeting planning to be the safety zone and the mainstay of my yearly income. I’ve only gently leaned into the wellness coaching and mindset work I love so much as part of my financial substanence. Over the years I’ve slowly let go of more of the meeting planning work, but one client I’ve held onto now for 10 years which has been the source of half my yearly income and my rock through it all.
How we love familiar, safe and secure – don’t we?
Well, this weekend, amidst the Covid-10 pandemic I was in a precarious spot to recommend to this client that they cancel their September meeting.
And so it begins. My income for all practical purposes will be zero from my meeting planning efforts this year. There are two ways I can respond to this news — react in fear and get a job or take this as the cosmic kick-in-the-pants that it truly can be. Time to stand in trust of the gifts that I have to share with the world and faith in the very words I coach my clients with —
“Dream big because the universe has your back when you dream big!”
I spent my weekend in deep self-care, hanging with a good friend by her pool, going mountain biking, cooking great food, meditating.
Now it’s Monday morning, and it’s time to get busy. I’m committing to making this a 30-day journal of my mindset from feeling wham-boozeled to stepping into the powerful creator of magnitude I know I can be. Some of the elements I know to be part of the picture moving forward:
- Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude! Start with a list positive aspects of all that’s going right in my world. And there is a lot despite what external circumstances might look like.
- Enroll my body as a partner in the process. I know I will want to rely on intuition which comes from having an open relationship with my body, it’s time to let go of the sloppy eating, eating too many carbs and sugar as I’ve been doing during lockdown. A little cleanse, and opening the dialogue with bodies. More on that later.
- Finding support. I know progress is never a straight line, and I need to find support I will need for those days when positivity seems out of reach. I have a couple close friends who will be my rocks, and I’ve enrolled in a business building course to keep me focused so I don’t fall victim to victim mindset.
- Getting into massive creation mode. I will set perfectionism aside, favoring instead action and completion over perfection. This will be breaking some hard tendencies for me! And yet something I know I need to attend to.
- Grounding in my own values. I’ve written a personal manifesto. I’ll post it on my bathroom mirror and ground in those values every morning and every night. Don’t you love Louise Hay and the mirror work, so powerful looking into your own eyes declaring your truth, and making way for forgiveness for all the ways in which you’ve abandoned yourself in the past.
- Attend to the garden of my mind. Truly, mindset is 95% of the journey! I commit to nourishing my mind daily with books from the best
thought leaders on creating abundance success, tooling up here I need new skills, and getting clear on those areas where I need to level up. I believe that’s one of the key messages for all of us through this lockdown process – an invitation to get clear on what truly matters and how we are all called to RISE UP to create the #NewNormal we want to live in next.
- Daily meditation. This is something I’ve already been committed to, and it’s all the more important now so that I might hear the guidance that’s coming my way. They say prayer is the time when we speak to God, and meditation is when he talks to us. I’m listening!
- Asking daily “How can I be of service?” I believe so often the way we block ourselves from receiving the abundance we desire is by making it about us and the disempowering questions like “Am I worthy?”, “Am I deserving of success?” and “Why would they want to work with me?” Even me, who facilitates clients around this get caught up in this personalized ego-trap, and that’s OK. Awareness of the questions I am asking myself and shifting them to be of service paves the way for Providence to step in in a massive ways. I am open to miracles!
Well that’s it for today. Check back again as I share this journey of rising up, not always perfect or pretty, but it’s our calling all the same.
In love and gratitude.
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