

Sugar is _____________________ [Fill in the blank]

Sweet! A great source of energy Getting a bad wrap BUT… sugar also is ________________________ An inflammatory food (and inflammation is linked to just about every disease known to man) 8 times more addictive than cocaine Hidden in almost every food we eat Driving up the average caloric intake of Americans and making us fat When I did triathlon, we

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Ready to Let Go of that Victim Story?

This is a great e-letter from functional medicine Dr Lissa Rankin ( Back in my twenties, I spent a lot of time writing in my journal, usually about boys. Then I had an epiphany. I realized that the quality of my relationships with men were inversely related to the amount of time I spent writing in my journal. If the

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7 Ways Quinoa Makes You Healthy & Happy

Many ask me, “is quinoa a pasta?” And the answer is no. And it’s not a wheat or a grain. So what is this thing we call quinoa, 21st Century super-food? Quinoa is actually a seed from a vegetable related to Swiss chard, spinach and beets. And it has earned its stature as a 21st century super-food because it tastes

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17 Second Tune-Up!

This is something I prescribe as part of the Vitality Code — 17 seconds of pure thought 4 times a day. The article is from Abraham-Hicks, talking about how the power of a simple thought when properly attuned can begin a ripple effect of positivity that not only helps you attract what you really desire in your life. And just

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Gems of Wisdom from Deepak Chopra’s Global Meditation

We are not separate from the Universe. We are inseparably One. If you don’t like the reflection in the mirror, it doesn’t help to crack the mirror. Benefits of meditation = joy, creativity, better mood, allowance, deeper connection with others, peace, compassion, equinamity… unlearn the old program, the hypnosis of our society that keeps us in our doing-ness that blocks

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Ready for Take-Off: The Vitality Code

If everything is energy, then why is it energy what we seek most in our lives? What I see day in and day out is that we’ve let the responsibilities and the need for safety in our current lives literally weigh us down. We’re frantically pushing toward a successthat was never of our choosing in the first place.   And we’ve

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